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This middleware is installed when using the Codedraw generic backend implementation template. It ensures to extract the necessary request and store them to the context.


import { Context } from 'hono';
import { HonoApp } from '../sys/types';
export declare const ExtractRequestArguments: (context: Context<HonoApp<{}, {}>, any, any>, next: Function) => Promise<any>;

Extracted info

This middlewares extracts the sri from the path parameter on the GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and sets it to the request context. To access it:

import { SRI } from '@coderpunktech/codedraw-core'

const sri: SRI.SRI = context.get('sri')

It also extracts the body on each POST and PUT requests and sets it to the request context. To access it:

import { SRI } from '@coderpunktech/codedraw-core'

const body: { [key: string]: any } = context.get('payload')